This is the time of year when GeoAnalitica releases the latest vintage of Mexico demographic data. This year’s release, covering 2017, has discovered over a million people not covered by other data sources: neither by INEGI’s Censo 2010, nor even GeoAnalitica’s own 2016 Mexico demographics. There are growth stories unfolding across Mexico every year, and if you’re not looking for them, you’re unlikely to find them…well, you’re unlikely to find them before Censo 2020 results roll out to the public, sometime in 2021 or 2022. We chose a handful of these growth stories to blog about, so you can see how GeoAnalitica’s Mexico demographics paint a picture of what’s really happening on the ground today.
In today’s blog, we’ll do a walkthrough of Horizontes Residencial, a new development on the outskirts of Irapuato, Guanajuato. Horizontes is a modest (dare we say small?) community of 900 households and 3,200 people. Four years ago, this was an agricultural field on the southwestern fringe of Irapuato. Massive, planned development by COMEBI took place quickly, and may be ongoing even today. If you’re using INEGI AGEBs and Censo 2010 demographic data, this area would have never shown up on your screen.

Besides identifying growth areas’ location and size, GeoAnalitica’s process also estimates these areas’ demographics. In this case, we see mixes of C and D class, consistent with what the developer publishes as the list pricing of homes (starting at MXN$1million). GeoAnalitica also estimates an income level for this area – MXN$196K, to be exact, just short of the national average income.
What can we say about the future of Horizontes Residencial? Time will tell. The community could be completed and fully occupied this year, with no further development, or the surge of construction may serve as a nucleus for newer, as-yet-unseen developments that piggyback on the new infrastructure put in place for Horizontes. Either way, GeoAnalitica’s robust change-detection mechanisms ensure that users won’t have to wait more than a year to get the details.

Too many of Mexico’s biggest and best consumer-facing businesses have lost competitive battles to smaller, regional players who benefit from “real time” knowledge of what’s developing, and where, and when. National players need the right tools to confirm and evaluate what they’re hearing from their developers, field staff and operators. Reach out to us to see if our data for the thousands of stories like Horizontes Residencial could help your organization get the competitive advantage it needs.