2019 Mexico demographic data

June 8, 2020

We’re pleased to announce the release of our newest vintage of Mexico geodemographic data.  GeoAnalitica’s 2019 Mexico data products offer growth-adjusted estimates for a few hundred variables (among them, 2019 population, 2019 household count, and 2019 household income).  Our 2019 Mexico estimates are available at the most relevant geographic units: a package of Urban AGEBs, Rural AGEBs, and Growth Grids that offer 100% territorial coverage in high-definition. 

Mexico AGEB demographics like INEGI censo data, but better coverage
A screenshot of the Mexico City metro area, showing boundaries of Urban AGEBs, Rural AGEBs, and Growth Grids as published in our Mexico 2019 demographic data.

We’re particularly excited because this vintage of data is possibly the final vintage based on Censo 2010 AGEBs and base-year data.  Mexico Censo 2010 has never been more outdated than it is right now, and we cringe to even imagine companies using straight-out-of-Censo 2010 results to make decisions right now in 2020.  Meanwhile, Mexico’s Censo 2020 is currently in progress, and there’s a possibility its tabulations and cartography will be published in time to guide GeoAnalitica’s next vintage of 2020 Mexico population and demographic estimates.  (Though, keep in mind, by the time Censo 2020 is published – even in the absence of any COVID-related slowdowns – it’s already 8-12 months out of date, due to the enormous need for lead-time when delineating geographies and conducting in-person follow-up interviews). 

Mexico AGEB Censo data and income estimates
A heatmap of predominant 2019 socioeconomic classes, by Urban AGEB, Rural AGEB, and Growth Grid, in the Guadalajara metro area.

It’s always more fun to put our new vintages in perspective with numbers.  Our 2019 dataset covers 90,989 geographic units (split among Urban AGEBs, Rural AGEBs, and our proprietary Growth Grids, which identify pockets of urban-type population outside of traditional Urban AGEBs).  In those nearly 91,000 geographic units, we estimate Mexico’s population in 2019 at 127,147,385 people.  We are also estimating Mexico household count in 2019 of 32,560,630.  And, to top it all off, we estimate a 2019 Mexico average household income of MXN$221,000.  We also classify AGEBs and Growth Grids according to their most likely predominant social class, so we’re able to estimate households falling in class A/B, C+, C, C-, D+, D and E (get in touch with us through our contact form if you’re curious about those numbers.)  There are a few hundred other variables that we estimate, but these are the ones we’re most frequently asked about.

GeoAnalitica Mexico income and population demographics are updated to 2019
A quick screenshot of what makes our Growth Grids (orange boundaries) so important for small-area analytics. Growth Grids help analysts zero-in on and quantify pockets of urban-type growth, outside of traditional Urban AGEB boundaries.

Remember, these are national figures, and we’ll go out on a limb and tell you the uncomfortable truth: unless you’re in a business with absolutely zero geographic footprint, it kind of doesn’t matter what the national numbers look like.  It’s much better to have a reliable, ground-level estimates so you can understand market-level realities and changes over time.  Things like, which part of the Guadalajara metro area has the highest concentration of high socioeconomic class?  Which cities in the Bajío are experiencing the strongest population growth, and what corner of the city is it the strongest?  Whether you’re in the business of site selection for retail outlets in Mexico, logistics planning, or anything else that has a geographic footprint at its core, you should see what our data has to say.  Reach out to us if you’d like to dig in deeper to GeoAnalitica’s Mexico 2019 demographics.

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